“Masjid Jamek” is a station name of LRT(Light Rail Transportation) in Kuara Lumpur. The area around the station is commercial area, and it is filled with a lot of small arcade shops.
「マスジット・ジャメ」はクアラルンプールにある LRT(ライトレール鉄道)の駅です。その駅の周辺は商業地域であり、多くのアーケード・ショップが集まっています。

“Masjid Jamek” is also a name of the famous and oldest mosque in Kuala Lumpur which was built in 1909 with a design by an English architect. The mosque is located just next to the station. The mosque has a white dome and is known for its beautiful marble floor and arches. There is no charge for get inside the mosque. Worth visiting.

Almost all the streets are filled with some shops. Some are the ordinary shops, and other are stand type arcade. I walked through the shopping zone, and found various goods. Basically the price range is very low.
Masjid Jamek area arcade shops
Once go out to one of the main streets “Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman”, we can see many standard type shops. So this area is pure shopping zone.
メインストリートのひとつ「Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman」に出ると、標準的なお店がたくさんあります。このエリアはまさにショッピング街です。

There is a huge department store “SOGO” along this street. SOGO is a one of very popular department stores in Japan.

When I visited this place, the entrance was uniquely decorated with tropical image with flowers and butterflies.

SOGO is really a big department store which has 7 floors with over 700,000 square feet. I spent more than 3 hours to look around. And I ate lunch at the “Food Garden” at 6th floor.
そごうは7階建て、700,000平方フィート(約65,000㎡)の売場面積を持つ巨大デパートです。私は、3時間以上、そのデパートの売り場を見て、 6F、「フード・ガーデン」でお昼を食べました。